Have a bee-utiful day! We were meant to bee! Happy bee-lated birthday! You’re sweet as honey! Bee my honey! Bee happy! Happy bee-day - it’s your day.
The Rinner family hotel and organic apiary
A fantastic holiday in South Tyrol with many inclusive services
A holiday at the Rinner comes with a series of complimentary services. From the gorgeous landscapes of the Renon/Ritten plateau to the delicious organic honey from our own apiary, and from the spa to the family-tailored services, there are many good reasons to visit us.
- Rich breakfast buffet including different honey varieties from organic beekeeping
- Delicious multi-course choice menu at dinner
- Rooftop garden with a sauna and whirlpool
- Homely atmosphere and personal service by the Rinners
- The unique Api wellness system – harnessing the wholesome effects of beehive air (with fee)
- Children’s entertainment programme including various summer activities organised in cooperation with the Familyhotels Ritten initiative
- A wide range of outdoor activities both in summer and winter
- Information and insider tips on the Renon plateau and surroundings
- The RittenCard with its many benefits and discounts
- Complimentary WLAN everywhere on the grounds